Research Initiatives

Research is an important aspect of education. Research studies help the institutions to understand the lay of the road and shape of things to come such that the educational programmes can be appropriately modified and sharpened. Further help the organizations to understand the problems to explore the appropriate steps to be initiated. With this in view, in 2003 the Institute had started an initiative to fund research studies on selected areas in banking and finance. The initiative has been known as the `Macro Research', the term macro suggesting the scope of the research and to distinguish it from the other research initiative of the Institute namely the 'Micro Research' which is a sort of an essay competition for members of the Institute (bankers) on areas of their interest.

Under the Macro Research initiative, the Institute invites proposals from research scholars from universities, colleges and banks to take up research in identified areas. The proposals are approved by the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of the Institute comprising eminent bankers and economists. The present Research Advisory Committee comprises of

  • Dr. Ajit Ranade, Chairman
  • Mr. Madan Sabnavis, Member
  • Dr. S.Sarkar, Member
  • Dr. Pallavi Chavan, Member

Once selected, the researchers carry out full fledged research for a period of 4-6 months. The Institute awards grant support of Rupees two lakh and fifty thousand for undertaking the project. The research studies undertaken so far under the Macro Research initiatives are
Sl.No. Year Title of Research Author/s
1 2003
(October 2003)
WTO and its Implications for Indian Agriculture Dr.N.S. Shetty, Dr.N.K.Thingalaya and Dr.M.S.Moodithaya
Of the Justice  K.S.Hegde Institute of Management, Karnataka
2 2003
(October 2003)
Implications of WTO on Indian Industry: Leather and Garments Industries Dr. Soundara Rajan and Dr.(Mrs.) Shanthi Nachiappan, Velammal College of Management and Computer Studies, Chennai
3 2003
(April 2003)
WTO and its Implications for Financial Services Dr.A.K.Sengupta and Dr.R.Aurora of the SIES College of Management Studies (SIESCOMS), Navi Mumbai
4 2004
Model of Micro Credit Financing System Dr.B.T.Acharya of the Vaikunthbhai Mehta Research Centre for Decentralised Industries, Navi Mumbai
5 2004 The Role of Thrift and Credit Societies (T&CSs) to the Capital Formation among the Urban Poor in Kerala Dr.K.Krishnakumar, State Poverty Eradication Mission (Kutumbashree), Thiruvanathapuram
6 2003-4 Basel II and Credit Risk Dr. M. Jayadev , Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
7 2003-4 Basel II: implications for Indian banks Dr.M.K.Datar and Dr. Saumya Sankar Banerjee, Research and Planning Department of the Industrial Development Bank of India
8 2004-05 Emerging Structure of Indian Banking Dr.A.S. Ramasastri, Dr. Achamma Samuel and Shri.S.Gangadaran, Reserve Bank of India
9 July 2006 Mergers and Acquisitions in PSU Banks Dr.Rudra Sensarma, Maxwell Fry Research Fellow, Birmingham Business School and Dr. M.Jayadev, Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
10 2005-06 Regional Imbalance in Agriculture Credit in Goa: Cause and Effect Analysis Dr.M.R.Patil, Dnyanprakasarak Mandal's College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Goa
11 2005-06
April 2009
Imbalances in Agricultural Credit System in Different Agro-Climatic Zones of Tamil Nadu - An Economic Study Prof. Dr. K. Mani and Mr.Karnam Lokanadhan Department of Agricultural Economics, Centre for Agriculture & Rural Development Studies, T.N. Agricultural University, Coimbatore
12 2006-07
Retail Banking- Models, Strategies, Performances and the Future - The Indian Scenario Dr. J Sethuraman, Chief Manager, of the Indian Overseas Bank, Chennai
13 2006-07
April 2009
Retail Banking in India: Opportunities and Challenges Dr. K.M. Bhattacharya, Prof. M.P.Deivikaran,Prof.L.A.Shaikh and Shri Anirban Basu , Centre for Advanced Banking & Finance Studies, ICFAI Business School, Mumbai
14 2007-08
April 2009
Pricing of Bank Products and services   Prof. Dr. B.K. Swain of the Centre for Rural Credit and Development Banking, National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad
15 2007-08
Dec. 2007
Housing Finance: A Study of Experiences of Commercial Banks Dr. N.K. Thingalaya, Dr. M.S. Moodithaya and Dr. N.S. Shetty of the Justice K.S.Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte, Karnataka
16 2007-08 Agricultural Credit in India: Changing Profile and Regional Imbalances Dr.S.L.Shetty, EPW Research Foundation, Mumbai
17 2007-08 Mutual funds and Banking: Indian and Global Experiences Dr. N. Subrahmanyam, Professor of Finance, IBS, Hyderabad
18 2008-09 Feasibility of Business Correspondent/Business Facilitator models for financial inclusion in Uttar Pradesh Dr. Prasun Kumar Das, School of Rural Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar
19 2008-09 Operational Risk Measurement for the Indian Banking Sector: Alternative Measures Prof. Dr. Romar Correa & Dr.Swati Raju, Department of Economics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai
20 2008-09 Suitability of Business Correspondent model for financial inclusion in Slums in Mumbai Dr.(Mrs.) Shobana Vasudevan, Principal & Head,Research Cell, R.A.Podar, College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai
21 2009-10 Customer Satisfaction Survey in Selected Microfinance Institutions Dr. Suresh Chandra Bihari, Sanjit Roy and Dr.Kaushik Bhattacharya, IBS, Hyderabad
22 2009-10 Financial Literacy: The Approach of Indian Banks Dr.A.N. Abhyankar, Akola Urban Co-operative Bank, Akola, Maharashtra
23 2010-11 Role of Credit Rating in Motivating Retail Investors with reference to Coimbatore District Dr.S.Renuga Devi, S.N.R.Sons College, Coimbatore
24 2010-11 Understanding the Structure of Microfinance institutions in India and suggesting a Regulatory Framework Dr. Prakash Singh, IIM, Lucknow
25 2011-12 BASEL-III: Implications for Indian Banking Dr. Vighneswara Swamy, IBS, Hyderabad
26 2011-12 A Study on quality of customer services of Banks in India Dr. Manasa Nagabhushanam, Analyz Research Solutions Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore
27 2011-12 Bank Finance for Agro Business: A Case study in Dakshina Kannada Dr. G.V. Joshi, Justice K.S.Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte
28 2011-12 Measuring Customer Services through Customer Satisfaction Index Dr.B.K.Swain, Centre for Rural Credit and Development Banking, NIRD, Hyderabad
29 2011-12 Evaluation of the BC/BF Model Dr.P.S.R.Prasad, State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad
30 2011-12 Issues in SME Financing Dr. Ram Jass Yadav, Bank of Baroda Staff College, Amdedabad
31 2011-12 Priority sector credit across states and banks -Issues of inclusiveness - Equity across regions And impact assessment In Andhra Pradesh Dr.S.Kishan Rao, Chairman & Director, National Akademi of Development, Secunderabad
32 2012-13 Security and Privacy Issues in Internet Banking: A Study of online banking portals and customers'+ perspective Dr. Tejinderpal Singh, University Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh
33 2012-13 Financial Inclusion in India: Why not happened? Dr. Debashis Acharya, School of Economics, University of Hyderabad and Mr.Tapas Kumar Parida, Economist, SBI, Mumbai
34 2012-13 Infrastructure Financing: Challenges of Restructuring Dr. Vikas Srivastava, IIM, Ranchi
35 2013-14 Issues in loan restructuring & provisioning (CDR) Dr. Rajendra Singh Chikara, DGM, State Bank Academy, Gurgaon
36 2013-14 The Trade Credit Channel of Monetary Transmission in India Mr. Saibal Ghosh, RBI, Mumbai
37 2013-14 Managing Current Account Deficit: Cross Country Experience from Developing Countries Dr. Partha Ray, IIM, Calcutta
38 2013-14 Asset Quality of banks: Evidence from India Dr. Arpita Ghosh, IIM, Calcutta
39 2014-15 Quantifying Basel III's time varying capital requirements and their impact on macro and financial variables over business and financial cycles Dr. Saurabh Ghosh, RBI, Mumbai
40 2014-15 Rethinking Priority Sector Lending for Banks in India Mr. Sumit Jain, Mr. Tapas Kumar Parida & Dr. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, SBI, Mumbai
41 2014-15 The impact of Technology on the Performance of Indian Banking Industry: An Empirical Study Dr. Sanjeev Bansal, Professor & Chairman, Department of Economics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
42 2015-16 Corporate Financing Options in India: Banking Vs. Capital markets Dr. Ajaya Kumar Panda,
National Institute of Industrial Engineering,
Mumbai and Mr. Bibekananda Panda,
State Bank Staff College, Hyderabad
43 2015-16 A Study on the Effectiveness of Transmission of Monetary Policy Rates in India Dr.Vighneswara Swamy
IBS, Hyderabad
44 2015-16 Evaluating Implementation of Jan Dhan Yojana Dr. Bijay Kumar Swain, National Institute of
Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad
45 2015-16 A Study on Risks from Foreign Currency Exposure of SMEs and their Impact on Banks Dr. Akhilesh Tripathi, State Bank of India
46 2016-17 Impact of Demonetization on the Microfinance sector and the Financial inclusion of poor Dr. Radhika Ramanchi, Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University; Ms. R.Sushma, Aurora PG College, Hyderabad; Prof. A.Sreeram, Hyderabad Business School, GITAM University
47 2016-17 Impact of Technological Disruption on Workforce Challenges of Indian Banks - Identification, Assessment & Mitigation Dr. Neha Chhabra Roy, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore & Dr. T. Viswanathan, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bangalore
48 2017-18 Non-Performing Assets of Banks in India: Efficiency in Management Dr. Swati Raju, Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy (Autonomous), University of Mumbai.
49 2017-18 Shadow banking in India: Do bank run Asset Management Companies (AMCs) perform liquidity transformation through exposure to Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) in their debt oriented schemes and will this increase the systemic risk of a bank due to a possible joint exposure to NBFCs Dr. Jaslene Bawa, FLAME University; Dr. Sankarshan Basu, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore; Dr. Asish Saha, FLAME University.
50 2017-18 Ethics And Corporate Governance In Indian Banking Sector Dr. Prakash Singh, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow.
51 2017-18 A Study on Issues and Challenges in MSME Financing in the State of Bihar Dr. Vipul Kumar Singh, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai & Dr. Santosh Kumar, Chandragupt Institute of Management, Patna
52 2018-19 Issues and Challenges in Moving Towards a Digital and Cashless Banking Economy Dr. Karabi Goswami & Dr. Shazeed Ahmed, Assam Institute of Management.
53 2018-19 Sustainability of Cashless Banking in Unorganized Retail Sector: A Comparative study of two districts of Telangana Dr. Archana Srivastava & Dr. Rishi Kumar, BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus.
54 2018-19 The determinants of customer’s continuance intention to use digital banking: Public and Private Banks Dr. P. Ganesan & Dr.A. Sivakumar, VIT Business School, Vellore.
55 2019-20 Transforming Rural Agricultural Cooperative Banks with Microfinance Model A Ubiquitous way of Banking Resurgence Dr.P.Baba Gnanakumar & Dr.Nelson Michael Justin, Kristu Jayanti College Bengaluru
56 2019-20 Financial Intervention for Sustainable Tribal Livelihoods: A study to understand the Objectives Vs Outcomes of Microfinance and SHGs (Women) Empowerment Dr. G Bhaskar N. Rao, IDBI Bank Ltd. & Ms. Rachel Alice Filbert, Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank
57 2020-21 A Report on Issues and Challenges in Financing MSME in Pune, Maharashtra Shri Prasad Srikant Barje, State Bank Institute of Learning & Development, Pune; Dr Elizabeth James, National Institute of Bank Management, Pune
58 2021-22 Impact of EASE reforms on Banking Mr. Dinesh Mishra, Chief Manager & Faculty, Union Bank of India & Dr. Amrendra Pandey, Associate Professor, Kautilya School of Public Policy, Hyderabad
59 2021-22 Linkages between competitive structure and financial stability: An empirical analysis of Indian Banks Dr. Ajaya Kumar Panda, Associate Professor, IIM Mumbai
60 2022-23 The impact of supply chain financing (SCF) on MSME performance in India: With special reference to recent regulatory amendments to TReDS Dr. Leena S., Assistant Professor (Finance), B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore
61 2022-23 Usefulness of Business Correspondents in Kashmir region-a perception of customers and bankers Mr. Pirzada Mohd Athar, Manager, J&K Bank; Dr. Peerzadah Mohammad Oveis, Assistant Professor, GITAM School of Business, Bengaluru & Dr. Bijoyata Yonzon, Associate Professor, Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi

The research reports listed under Sl.No.1-10 above are not available in soft copy.
The Institute has published all the research works listed under Sl.No.1-31 above in 5 volumes. These reports are available for reference at the Institute's library.