Established in 1928 as a Company under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1913, Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF), formerly known as The Indian Institute of Bankers (IIB), is a professional body of banks, financial institutions and their employees in India. With its membership of over 677 banks and financial institutions as institutional members and about 4,50,000 of their employees as individual members, IIBF is the largest Institute of its kind in the world and is working with a Mission "to develop professionally qualified and competent bankers and finance professionals primarily through a process of education, training, examination, consultancy/counseling and continuing professional development programmes".
During its 84 years of service, IIBF has emerged as a premier institute in banking and finance education for those employed as well as seeking employment in the sector, aiming for professional excellence. Since inception, the Institute has educated numerous members and awarded several banking and finance qualifications, viz., JAIIB, CAIIB, Diploma and Certificates in about 20 specialized areas and helped them to sustain their professionalism through Continuing Professional Development programs.
The Institute has also contributing in the area of financial inclusion by offering certification course for BC/BFs.
IIBF is a 'Distance Learning' Institute. In order that the candidates who appear for the examinations get adequate education/knowledge inputs, the Institute offers various educational services. The pedagogy of Distance Learning offered by the Institute is (i) publishing specific courseware for each paper/examination; (ii) publishing work books; (iii) tutorials through accredited institutions; (iv) contact classes; (v) virtual classes; (vi) e-learning through portal; (vii) campus training for selected courses;(viii) exam related updates on web site; (ix) webex classes etc.
As a professional body, Institute tries to keep the members abreast with the happening in the banking space through daily e-news letter called "Fin @ Quest", a monthly bulletin-"IIBF-Vision"ance professionals, besides organizing Seminars, Conferences, Lecturers, short duration programs and Management Development Courses in collaboration with leading management institutions, as part of Continuing Professional Development.
The Institute has shifted to its new premises at Kohinoor City, Kurla which was inaugurated by His Excellency, Governor of Maharashtra Shri K Shankaranarayan on 11th May 2011.
The new campus has two floors of which one floor has been exclusively earmarked for training purposes. State of the art training infrastructure has been created to offer class room training for the examinations of the Institute and also niche areas. The Institute has started offering Leadership development, Faculty development, and other courses in the new premises.
IIBF is collaborated with various eminent Institutes in India and across the globe viz: (i) Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU); (ii) Financial Planning Standard Borad of India ; (iii) Banking Codes and Standards Board of India(BCSBI) (iv) Zambia Institute of Banking & Financial Services; (v) National Banking Training Institute, Nepal;(vi) The Chartered Institute of Bankers-Alliance of African Institute of Bankers(AAIOB) etc.for various banking related educational services.
The Institute is managed by a Governing Council comprising eminent persons from the banking and finance sector, academicians and professionals. The day-to-day management of the Institute vests in the hands of the Chief Executive Officer who in turn is supported by a Deputy CEO-Operations, Director-Academic Affairs and Director-Training.