1. 1981 Shri L K. Jha Supply - side Economics
2. 1982 Dr.K N Raj The Global Slump and Rules of the Game
3. 1983 Dr. Dragoslav Arvamovic International Financial Cooperation : Problems & Prospects
4. 1984 Dr. Amiya Kumar Bagchi The Economics of the Business and Business of Economics
5. 1985 Prof. Alexandre Lamfalussy Structural Changes in International Financial Markets
6. 1986 Prof Sukhamoy Chakravarty Report of the Committee to review the working of the Monetary System : a Re-examination.
7. 1987 Prof. Jagdish Bhagawati Indian Economic Performance and Policy Design
8. 1988 Prof. A M Khusro Management of Indian Economy-Macro-economic and Sectoral Policies
9. 1989 Dr. M S Gore India and the Concept of Nation - State
10. 1990 Dr A Vaidyanathan Cottage and small Industries in India -Policy and performance
11. 1991 Shri M Narasimham Financial Sector Reforms
12. 1993 Dr. I G Patel Some Reflection of the Financial Liberalisation
13. 1994 Dr. Arjun K. Sengupta The Financial Sector and Reforms in India
14. 1995 Dr Shanker Acharya The Economic Consequences of Economic Reforms
15. 1996 Dr Parthasarthi Shome Fiscal Policy in 1990s - Needed Reforms and Ramifications for the Financial Sector
16. 1998 Shri S. S.Tarapore Need for Second Generation Banking Sector Reforms
17. 1999 Dr R A Mashelkar Resurgence of Innovative India:The Challenges and the Strategy
18. 2000 Dr. C Rangarajan Capital Flows : Another Look
19. 2001 Shri P Chidambaram Economic Reforms: Reappraising the past - Lessons for the future.
20. 2002 Shri N R Narayana Murthy Reinventing Banking in India
21. 2003 Dr. Richard C Levin Patents in Global Perspective
22. 2005 Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia Globalisation and India - Challenges and opportunities
23. 2006 Dr.Guillermo Ortiz Growth and stability in Latin America and Asia
24. 2007 Dr.Zeti Akhtar Aziz Managing Financial Liberalisation and its Challenges : Implications for Emerging Economies
25. 2008 Dr.Ashok K.Lahiri Indian Financial Reforms & National Priorities amidst an International Crisis
26. 2009 Dr Vijay Kelkar On strategies for Disinvestment & Privatisation
27. 2010 Mr. Nandan Nilekani The Goal of Financial Inclusion- -Have We Reached The Tipping Point?
28. 2011 Dr. Andrew Sheng Systemic Thought on the International Monetary System
29. 2012 Dr. Saumitra Choudhuri Restoring India to the track of higher growth, social & economic inclusion and stability
30. 2013 Dr. Subir Gokarn Finance and Sustainability: Regulatory and Strategic Dimensions
31. 2014 Dr. Chip Cleary Talent Management Mental Models and Bottom line Results
32. 2015 Mr. Christopher Harvey The Future of Financial Services: How Disruptive Innovations are Reshaping the way Financial Services are Structured, Provisioned and Consumed
33. 2016 Mr. R. Gandhi Pioneering Best Practices in Banking: India's Record
34. 2017 Dr. M S Sahoo Banking on Governance "Freedom from and Freedom to"
35. 2018 Dr. Tarun Khanna Trust as the Foundation of Finance
36. 2020 Hon’ble Justice Sudhansu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and its impact on the Economy
37. 2021 Shri. Supratim Bandyopadhyay Increasing Longevity – Significance of Pension & Innovation
38. 2023 Shri Injeti Srinivas Role of IFSC in India’s globalization
39. 2024 Dr. Rabi Narayan Mishra FROM Fixing Points of InStability TO Setting a State of Resilience Making Financial Entities “Distress-Immune” & “Future-Ready”