Highlights from IIB Journal (January-March 2005)

Empowering Bank for Recovery on NPAs

Rajendra Singh
An exposition on recovery of NPAs with greater emphasis on SARFEASI Act ,its coverage and procedures.

Technology-An Impact Analysis

Dr.Vasanth Godse
Technology today provides an altogether new method of working and interacting with customers .Banks reorient their technology towards such interactive decision support and information gathering tools.

Implementation of RTGS

Dr.Firdos T Shroff
Payment and Settlement System serve an important role in the economy and RTGS is introduced to improve the of the financial system by ensuring safe,secure and effective payment and settlement system for the country.

Corporate Governance in Indian Companies and its relevance to Banking System

J.Narayana Murthy
Corporate Governance has dimensions larger than usually visualized. .Maximization of share holders value cannot remain its solitary consideration. Concerns of other stakeholders are equally important.

Cheque Truncation-A Revolutionary Concept in the making

Raveenthranath Hebbar
Cheque truncation mechanism will bring significant improvement in clearing and settlement cycle and faster realization of funds through safe and secure mode.

Profit Planning Strategies in Indian Banks

Atul K Fichadiya
Banks need to adopt a long term view in planning their profit strategies to overcome the challenges thrown up by liberalization process.

Credit Derivatives-A New Tool for Managing Credit Risk

Credit Derivatives provide an effective tool to manage the loan portfolio within a return on capital framework.