The Institute recognizes outstanding performance by candidates in the examinations conducted by it by awarding prizes to eligible candidates every year.

The details of the Physical/Virtual Prize Awarding Function will be communicated in due course.

The Certificate would be given at the time of Prize Awarding Function. Prize amount would be credited to the account of the prize winners. Prize winners will receive an email from the Institute in this regard.

We congratulate all the candidates for their outstanding prize winning performance.

Criteria for awarding Prizes are as follows:

  1. Candidates who completes their examinations in all subjects in their FIRST PHYSICAL ATTEMPT in a single period
  2. For examinations with more than one subject: Candidates securing 60% or more marks in aggregate and pass in all the subjects will be considered for Highest Aggregate prize/s.
  3. For examinations with more than one subject: Candidates securing 60% or more marks in the subject will be considered for subject level prize/s.
  4. For single subject examinations: Candidates securing 70% or more marks in the subject will be considered for prize/s.
  5. Candidate/s who get/s prize for HIGHEST AGGREGATE / SECOND HIGHEST AGGREGATE for the examination and also gets the highest marks in an individual subject are not considered for awarding prize for HIGHEST MARKS IN SUBJECT/S. In such case, the candidate/s who has/have obtained SECOND highest marks in the subject/s is awarded the prize meant for HIGHEST MARKS IN SUBJECT/S. Consequently, if there is a prize for the SECOND HIGHEST MARKS IN INDIVIDUAL SUBJECT/S, in such case, the same is awarded to, the candidate/s who has/have obtained THIRD highest marks in the subject/s
  6. Candidates re-enrolling for the examination after exhausting all permissible attempts as per the time limit rule are not considered
  7. Candidates completing their examination with aggregate rule are not considered.
  8. Candidates completing their examination with exemption in any subject are not considered.
  9. For Blended Courses: Candidates who completes the Training after the Level-I examination are considered for prize/s.


Mumbai,                                                                                   Joint Director (Examinations)
