Objective: The Professional Development Centre, Eastern Zone (Kolkata) supplements the training and learning efforts of Banks and Financial Institutions in its area of jurisdiction spreading in States of West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, entire NE States & UT of A & N to meet their human resource development requirements for capacity building in the face of growing challenges, competition, technology developments and customer expectations.


Role of PDC Kolkata:

  1. Promote established courses of the Institute with banks and evolve training procedures
  2. Plan, organize and direct a wide range of training activities and development of both Open & Customised  programmes for banking & finance professionals
  3. Conduct seminars, workshops and contact classes
  4. Liaison with Banks/Staff Training Colleges of Banks for the purpose of enrolment of new members as well as to create awareness for Institute’s various examinations
  5. Operating hand in hand with Corporate Office by co-ordinating with various departments such as, Examination, Training, Member Support, Corporate Development, etc.


Activities of PDC Kolkata:

  1. PDC Kolkata is regularly conducting training programmes in both virtual and physical mode on subjects that are currently of great relevance in BFSI Sector. The Programmes comprise interactive lectures, Case Studies, presentations and sharing of experiences. Sessions are handled by experienced faculties and experts from industry.
  2. Major Participating Banks: Paschim Banga Gramin Bank, Meghalaya Rural Bank, UCO Bank, Canara Bank. Punjab National Bank, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, and Cooperative Banks
  3. Key programmes by PDC Kolkata: Induction Training programme for Newly Recruited Bank Officers, Credit Appraisal, Monitoring & Recovery Strategies, AML/KYC/CFT/,  Audit & Strategy for Compliance
  4. In the current FY, besides the open programmes PDC Kolkata has conducted the following  Customized Programmes:
    • Credit Appraisal, Due Diligence & Monitoring for Meghalaya Rural Bank Officials
    • Know Your customer (KYC), Anti Money  Laundering (AML) and Combating Financing of Terrorism(CFT)  For Officials of Ujjivan Small Finance Bank
    • Induction Training for Employees of Kolkata Police Cooperative Bank Ltd.
    • Orientation Programme on International Banking for Officials of UCO Bank


Training Schedule for March 2025:

  1. Training Programme on Various Recovery Strategies (Virtual Mode) from 17th  to 18th   March, 2025 - by IIBF PDC East Zone, KolkataNew Icon
  2. One day workshop on “IRAC: UNDERSTANDING STRATEGIES TO MINIMIZE PROVISION ”(Virtual Mode) 20th March, 2025 - by IIBF PDC East Zone, Kolkata
  3. Training Programme on IT & CYBER SECURITY(Virtual Mode) From 10th to 11th March,  2025 - by IIBF PDC East Zone, Kolkata


Contact Details:
For Training related Information please contact:     

  1. Mr T Barpanda, (Head-IIBF Kolkata);  Mobile: 9717005551 Mail Id: head-pdcez@iibf.org.in
  2. Sneha Datta;  Mobile: 9831637175,  Mail id: je.pdcez3@iibf.org.in
  3. Ms Samriddhi Guha;  Mobile: 8420475917 ,  Mail id:  pdcez2@iibf.org.in


Address:  Indian Institute of Banking & Finance Avani Heights, 2nd Floor, 59A, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata – 700020