Members / Candidates grievance resolution system



Learn Online


  1. The content of e-learning package is the property of IIBF.

  2. The e-learning package is meant for students registered with IIBF for the course of Treasury & Risk Management.

  3. The registered students shall not copy, share, store, print, lend, alter, merge, modify, translate, broadcast etc. in any form or by any means.

  4. The registered students are requested not to share your login/password to other persons and allow others to use it.

  5. The registered students are requested to keep the login/password secured. The students are also requested to change the password from time to time. This can be done by using the 'Change of password' link provided in the login page.

  6. Once you start the 'check your progress' module, it is best not to do anything other than answer the questions and submit the answers.

I Agree I Disagree