Members / Candidates grievance resolution system

Admit letter for JAIIB / DB&F Examinations - June 2017

Admit Letter(Hall Ticket) - will be emailed to all Candidates to their registered email-id with the Institute 10 days before the examination date.

To download admit letter from this link: The Admit Letter (Hall Ticket) will be available here for download from 29th May 2017. Candidates can down load the Admit Letter using their Login ID(Membership/Registration No.) and Profile Password.

Pl note that Admit Letter will be sent only once to the Email Id of the candidate, those who have not received the Admit Letter are required to download the same as mentioned above.

In case if you require the Profile Password, please email the request to respective PDCs/MSS Dept. of the Institute, Email ids are given under.

(Pl send the mail only to the Zonal Office pertaining to you and do not mark copy to any other Email ID) Zonal Office/PDC, Chennai Zonal Office/PDC, Delhi Zonal Office/PDC, Kolkata Zonal Office/MSS, Mumbai